Visa WhereYouShopMatters
Branding Video, Design SMM Visuals and Ads Banners, 2020
2020 was the third year that Visa executed the Where You Shop Matters campaign, promoting independent merchants and encouraging local communities to support them. Of course, 2020 was not a year like its predecessors - with hard-working independent merchants faced with the consequences of lockdowns and retail closures.
Visa’s objective was to build awareness and ownership of Where You Shop Matters on social media, consolidating its role as a champion of independent local businesses and encouraging people to shop locally.
In cooperation with a copywriter, an art director, and a project manager, we adapted a global company to the Ukrainian market. I dealt with image search, graphics adaptation, and title design.
We later adapted the clip for collaboration between Nestle and Visa.
Afterward, according to the agreed pattern, we did the same work for the Kazakhstan market
And for the Georgia market
At the same time, we adopted the campaign for social networks and advertising banners.
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