Cider Promin
Concept, Packaging, Illustration, 2019
The client approached us with a brief for naming, packaging, and creative concept for launching an advertising campaign for a new cider in the Ukrainian market. The creative team brought a brief with the naming Promin (it means a ray of light) and a concept. The label had to match the style of brutalism.

A funny draft from the process

In the process, I, as a designer, suggested a design option aimed at a younger audience. Raves have become very popular in Ukraine in recent years, and in my mind, it was consonant with the naming. Since there are a lot of lights and music at discos, young people often prefer low-alcohol drinks.
Thus was born the image of the raver, which radiates these light rays.
Thus was born the image of the raver, which radiates these light rays.

In collaboration with the creative director, head of the design studio, copywriter, and art director, we came up with this.